Using Social Media in (Evidence-Based Emergency) Medicine: A Primer for Practitioners


Last Friday, I had the privilege of giving my first invited keynote at the Quebec Emergency Physician Association (AMUQ) Conference in the beautiful Montreal, Quebec.

Co-presenting with me, was my friend and Singularity University‘s FutureMed classmate, Dr. Christian Assad, who is a Cardiologist and techgeek (like me), so as you can probably imagine, we had a lot of fun talking with ER neophyites. Thank you Christian for your amazing support, its a privilege to have you as a co-presenter and a friend.

The presentation was a success and we may even be invited next year.

I hope you like the slides and very much look forward to hearing from you.

Ta ta for now!



November 2nd, 2011 | Articles by me, e-Public Health, English, Presentations | No comments

Spanish Tour with @LuisLuque


This Spring, I had the privilege of touring a few Spanish cities with one of my best friends, @LuisLuque.

We had a blast visiting visiting Seville, Madrid, Palma de Mayorca, Alicante, and Barcelona; and all of our presentations were a complete success.

You can find these below.

Panorama Internacional del eHealth


One of the most interesting events of this trip, was the re-emerging question: “How old are you?”

It was a bit of a cultural shock, despite my Mexican-Canadian upbringings, though it appears that in Spain, most 25 year olds only work as Becarios and dont start presenting until they are well into their PhD’s or working as faculty.

As always, all of your comments are welcome, and appreciated.

Thanks amigos!


September 18th, 2011 | English, Presentations | No comments