Health 2.0 The Unconference Day 1

by Carlos Rizo and Francisco J Grajales III

  1. Live here from San Francisco these are the topics that people are the unconfernece topics for today.
  2. Transparency, the role of healthcare quality in health 2.0.
  3. Stress solutions  of current times.
  4. What would you do with $30 Billion for healthcare?
  5. The doctor/patient appointment in the health 2.0 world.
  6. Is a direct (Active) human interface better than passive interface for Health 2.0 social networking.
  7. The place for professionally development + vetted control in the user generated eco-system.
  8. Health 2.0 Accelerator.
  9. Inspiring fitness lifestyle using carrots rather than sticks.
  10. Data reliability and interoperability in the patient social networks Connecting health 2.0 platforms and traditional healthcare providers.
  11. Wireless health, Cellular Technologies in healthcare.
  12. Challenges of engaging different demographics in health.
  13. Genetic privacy.
  14. Can clinical training measurably impact quality?
  15. Health 2.0 and health travel and medical tourism.
  16. Linking emergency medicine with people and PHI.
  17. Scoping business systems integration Modeling and Health care 2.0?
  18. Video Games for Health.
  19. Online Patient Self management interventions.
  20. Advise to the established providers, responses to change.
  21. Health 2.0 tools for independent living for people living with disabilities.
  22. Navigating healthcare tangled financial times.
  23. Physician engagement.
  24. User moderated content vs user generated content.
  25. Social network and the pharmaceutical industry
  26. Rules of engagement between patient record and online media.
  27. Clinical Decision support.s
  28. Do you want to buy healthcare online?
  29. The national dialogue (telling the candidates what needs to happen in IT).

October 20th, 2008 | Articles by me, English

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